Category Archives: Ford Ranger

side view of a gold 2019 Ford Ranger

How Capable is the All-New 2019 Ford Ranger in Terms of Off-Road Adventures?

Listing the 2019 Ford Ranger FX4 Off-Road Package Features

Ford is pulling out all the stops for its return to the midsize pickup truck segment during the 2019 model year. We say that because the 2019 Ford Ranger will be as powerful, capable and efficient as you’d expect a Ford truck to be, but there’s also one very important caveat – and that’s that the all-new Ford Ranger will be just as capable off-road as it on the road. These impressive off-road features and capabilities come from the 2019 Ford Ranger’s all-new FX4 Off-Road Package, the features of which we’re going to list right here. Read the rest of this entry >>

rear view of a gold 2019 Ford Ranger

What’s Powering the All-New Ford Ranger at Akins Ford near Atlanta GA?

All-New Engine Capabilities of the 2019 Ford Ranger

As impressive as the 2018 Ford F-150 lineup and the 2018 Ford Super Duty lineup are, people needing a midsize pickup truck have been left with nothing to choose from the new Ford pickup truck lineups for quite some time. But that’s all going to change now that the all-new 2019 Ford Ranger is on its way to Akins Ford near Atlanta, GA. Coming at some point in the beginning of 2019, the all-new Ford Ranger will easily live up to the expectations of a new Ford pickup truck by offering a slew of all-new engine capabilities and features. And we’re going to find out exactly what those all-new engine features and capabilities are as we take a closer look under the hood of the 2019 Ford Ranger. Read the rest of this entry >>

side view of a gold 2019 Ford Ranger parked on a cliff with mountains in the background

All-New Ford Ranger’s Release Date at Akins Ford near Atlanta GA

Release Date & List of All-New Features for the 2019 Ford Ranger

After years of utterly dominating the full-size and heavy duty pickup truck classes thanks to, most recently, the 2018 Ford F-150 lineup and the 2018 Ford Super Duty lineup, Ford is setting its sights on once again bringing that dominance to the midsize pickup truck class. And it’s doing so by fully updating and upgrading an old classic to create the all-new 2019 Ford Ranger. Intrigued? We thought you would be, which is why we’re going to check in on the release date for the 2019 Ford Ranger while also listing some of its most impressive all-new features. Read the rest of this entry >>